

When Alysin decided to surprise her boyfriend at work with dinner, the surprise was on her. Since he was going at it with his secretary on the conference table, she packed a bag and called her BFF. Jolie and Alysin had been traveling the country, working as digital nomads for ten years ever since graduation. Taking this as a sign it was time for a new move, they decided to take a cruise, regroup, and make a plan.

Then she meets Mr. Bedroom Eyes. Following her lead, they pretend to be married so that she can rid herself of the guy who started hitting on her before the boat left the dock. Though it was supposed to be a momentary arrangement, he asks her to take it one step farther. Then another and another. The cruise promises to be memorable in every way that matters.

Along the way, Alysin learns that she won't have to fake an orgasm if she's with someone who knows what to do, that not all men suck, but the best ones suck really well, and that sometimes what starts out as something pretend, can fast become something completely real. Will the woman who lives life with no regrets, regret that she made that stupid rule about not exchanging names and contact info?



We walked further without speaking, my anticipation building. Finally, he broke the silence. “See, I have given both your dilemma and your offer careful consideration. It’s clear to me that there is really only one solution.” He smiled broadly at his proclamation.

“Oh, really?” I asked with an eyebrow raised. “And just what is my dilemma?”

“Obviously, you need a great protector to fend off unwanted men on this cruise,” he announced, puffing out his chest for effect, further proof that he was the protector I needed.

I smiled because he was so damn cute. “Oh, but I have Jolie,” I remarked.

“Listen, if this Jolie exists, I have yet to see her. You keep claiming her, but both times we’ve met, she was nowhere to be found.” He shrugged and looked about. “So, I think you should consider my offer. It’s a pretty great offer.”

“Oh, really. And just what is that?” Looking about, I realized that we had stopped in the cruise ship jewelry shop. Then Mr. Bedroom Eyes dropped to one knee. I backed up a step. “What are you doing?” I asked, confused and concerned. This could go very badly. I may have misjudged him completely.

“Relax,” he urged. “I just have one very important question to ask you. And these things are better said with jewelry than I ever could with words.”

I started to take a second step back. I’m a runner. Only he grabbed my hand and halted my escape.

“Will you be my wife for the week?” He asked. Then he batted his eyelashes at me.

It really took all the pressure off. Throwing my head back, I let out a huge laugh…a combination of relief and pure joy. “Are you sure you don’t want to date me? I hear there’s a lot more sex in dating than there is in marriage?”

He stood slowly, contemplating the idea. “This is true, but since I’ve had no so sex with you thus far, any would be an improvement. Plus, since you already announced me as your husband, I thought this would keep the charade going.”

INTERVIEW with Nicole Moore
What sparked your interest in becoming a romance writer?

I often joke that I became a writer of romance and erotica because it was the best way for me to parlay my passions into a career.

What was the first romance novel you read that made an impression on you?

When I was really young, I read The Thornbirds. It was the naughtiest book I could imagine. I remember thinking that I needed to be able to write like that. So, that’s what I try to do.

Tell us 5 surprising things about yourself.
1. I have a tattoo.

2. I want more…small, sexy, meaningful.

3. My palate has really become more sophisticated…as evidenced by my love of sushi and asparagus…sometimes even together.

4. I think cruising is the only way to travel.

5. For someone so intrigued by sex, I didn’t lose my virginity for a really long time.

What is your writing environment.

I write wherever I am comfortable at the moment. It could be in the living room, lying on the bed, on the garage couch, or even the floor. I abhor writing at desks. It feels too much like work and I just want to have fun with it.

One of your favorite quotes.

By Mae West: You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

Which authors have caught your interest lately? Why?

Hmmm. In the author groups, I’m finding ones that I try to emulate, that I admire for their skill and their abilities. JB McGee has a new book coming out,,,Skipping Stones. I’ve been able to beta that a bit. And Brandy Dorsch is an aspiring writer who has an interesting looking paranormal romance coming out soon.

What type of book have you always wanted to write?

It has taken me forever, but Sin at Sea is the kind of book I always wanted to be brave enough to write. There is something so liberating about not worrying over pushing the envelope. At the same time, I think while writing something very erotic, I kept it classy. That’s important. Even my smut has a story,

Who are your dream dinner party guests?

If I could have anyone come to my parties…Channing Tatum…oh hell, the entire cast of Magic Mike. Ummm…I don’t really think I’d need to invite anyone else…at all. We’ll keep it nice and intimate.

Top three things on your bucket list.

1. Take a Mediterranean cruise.

2. Explore Greece

3. Take a hot air balloon ride. That one might be challenging since I also have a fear of heights. Still…

How did you get the idea for this particular novel?

My goal was to write this great beach read. It kind of forced me to go through with it, get it published for summer. I took everything that I loved about summer…the water, the beaches, the travel, vacations, hot guys, and sexy times. There are a lot of my own personal experiences in it.

What is your favorite scene in your new release?

I love where they meet, how they meet, their interaction. Yes, Alysin and Mr. Bedroom Eyes have chemistry from the start.

If you could be one of your characters - Who would you be? And why?

I would love to be Alysin, so supremely confident, so independent. She speaks her mind. She’s very worldly. She’s tough.


What made her decide to be an erotica author?


How else was she going to parlay her two favorite past times into a career?

Emma is single and loving it. Like her first character, Alysin, Sin for short, she doesn't believe in settling or in settling down. She loves to indulge in her passions whenever the mood strikes and enjoys keeping all of life's cliche moments spicy.

Known for her sense of humor, Emma surrounds herself with friends whose antics often become the source of book fodder. Her ideal situation would be to explore the Caribbean while writing. She pursues that dream daily.

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  1. Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Love giveaways...
    would love to win anyone of these...

  3. I hadn't seen this excerpt yet. I LOVE it and am looking forward to reading the book. Thanks for the interview as well. I enjoy learning about the authors.
