
HOME SWEET HOME by Scarlett Metal ~ Blog Tour (Review & Excerpt)


Home Sweet Home (I Remember You)
By: Scarlett Metal
Genre: Erotic Romance, Novella
Release Date: July 31, 2013

Hosted by: Love Between the Sheets


Things for Lance and Samantha have been picture perfect since they reunited four years ago. They are happily married with a little girl and another baby on the way. Lance's career with the Forbidden Gods is stronger than ever. Samantha has some best selling books to her name and her writing career is taking off.

In just a few short months, that perfect world starts to shatter. Lance has to go on tour without Sam. He has creative differences with management over the band's latest album that have left him frustrated. He suffers loss after loss, not knowing if he can take much more. He turns to alcohol to numb the pain just like he did all those years ago when Sam left him.

Sam tries to be strong for her family when tragedy threatens to pull them apart but when Lance isn't there for her when she needs him the most, she questions everything she ever believed about them and their love.

Lance is lost and hanging by a thread. Can Sam save him? Or is it too late? Will Lance be able to find his way back home?


The flight home was pretty uneventful. He tried to write, but he was too distracted by the thought of seeing his family. He thought about getting a small drink, but Sam would kill him if she smelled alcohol on him.

He tried to read, but the words on the page wouldn’t register. He put in his ear buds and listened to the playlist Sam had made for him before he left. It was filled with songs from when they were kids, especially their song, “I Remember You.” He put it on repeat and closed his eyes.

He woke up to the sound of the pilot telling them to fasten their seatbelts. He’d fallen asleep for most of the flight, but wasn’t really surprised considering the tough schedule they’d been on.

He started getting antsy waiting for the plane to land. When he finally got the okay to turn on his phone, the first thing he did was text her that he’d landed. Hopefully she and Emma were waiting for him.

She sent a quick reply that they were at the airport already. His head fell back on the seat. He was finally going to hold his woman in his arms and he wasn’t sure he would be able to let her go.

As he got off the plane, Lance had to keep from pushing people out of his way. He gripped his bag in his hands and took a deep breath. He couldn’t believe it, but he was nervous to see Sam.

He walked through the airport, looking around for them. His face broke out into a smile when he noticed her standing there, Emma next to her holding her hand. His pace quickened as he walked to them; they hadn’t seen him yet.

He scooped up Emma into his arms, startling her. “Hey peanut!” he exclaimed, planting a big kiss on her cheek.

She squealed and threw her arms around his neck. “Daddy!”

He glanced over to Sam. She was even more beautiful than he remembered – than what he saw in his dreams. Her stomach had really popped while he was gone; he loved it. “Hey you,” he whispered softly, drawing her close to him with his free arm.

“Hey,” she replied, her eyes filling with tears as she buried her face in his chest.

“Shhh,” he chided, leaning down to kiss the top of her blonde hair. “It’s ok, I’m here now.” She nodded and sniffled. “I’ve missed you so much, Lance.” She looked up at him. He couldn’t help but notice the dark circles under her eyes. Guilt stabbed at him for leaving her alone while he went out and pursued his dream.

“I’ve missed you too baby,” he admitted, hugging her tight. After this tour, that was it. If she couldn’t come along on tour, he wasn’t going to do it. He wasn’t going to leave her again for this long.

They stood in the middle of the airport like that for a few minutes. He had his family back in his arms again and he wasn’t in any hurry to let them go.

Sam pulled away first. “Let’s get you home,” she said with a smile.

Lance grinned aback at her. “Yes, let’s get me home,” he agreed. He couldn’t wait to get back home.


Scarlett Metal has amazingly given us life after I Remember You in this steamy novella, HOME SWEET HOME!  This is a great 4 star read!

Lance is still the yummy, sexy established rock star.  Only now he is happily married to Sam and they are expecting their second child.

Sam is busy juggling her current pregnancy, two year old daughter and a budding writing career all while Lance is off living the life of a rock star.  I love the strength Sam posses and her ability to keep all those she loves close to her heart.

Life appears to be perfect as Lance embarks on his three month tour, with the one exception, he had to leave Sam and Emma at home this trip.  Half way through the tour Lance is hit with life altering news and we see him slip into old copping mechanism habits.  Can their marriage survive the little white lies they are each forced to hide?

Home Sweet Home can be read as a stand alone but I would recommend you start with Lance and Sam's story in I Remember You!


Scarlett lives in the Midwest with her family. When she’s not busy writing steamy stories, she can be found with her nose in a book, camping, or geocaching with her family. She loves Diet Coke, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and 80′s hair bands.




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