
IF FOREVER COMES by A.L. JACKSON ~ Blog Tour Stop (Excerpt, Review & Giveaway)


If Forever Comes, the final chapter in the New York Times Bestselling Regret Series (Lost to You and Take This Regret).

Christian Davison’s life is complete. With a ring on Elizabeth’s finger and his daughter at his side, he’s ready to run headlong into their future.

Elizabeth Ayers never believed she would again find this kind of joy—the joy of a family and the wholeness found in the touch of the man she’s always loved.

Their love is intense and their passion only grows as they set out to rediscover each other.

But life is never easy.

Rocked by the unforeseen, Christian and Elizabeth will find themselves fighting for the one thing they hold most important—family.



The door quietly latched shut behind me, and I slumped against it for support as I squeezed my eyes closed, praying…praying for it to end.

I didn’t know how much longer I could do this. Didn’t know how much more I could take.

I fought the weakness that trembled my knees, because I didn’t want to be this woman. I hated her. I didn’t recognize her.

But I didn’t know how to make her go away.

My stomach curled. Nausea spun through my gut the same way it did every time I saw Christian’s face, a tumultuous chaos that wracked my senses, confused and clouded the truth that was lost somewhere inside me.

It was visceral. A reaction I couldn’t stop. Each morning I begged for this to be the day when I opened the door and I would recognize myself. The day I would recognize Christian as the man I loved.

That I’d want him.

No one understood how desperately I wanted to.

None of them understood the way I really felt.

Clutching my chest, I gulped for air, begging for anything that would deaden this unyielding pain suffocating me from the inside out. Unbearable agony pressed and crushed, cutting deeper into the places where my life had been snubbed out, infiltrating the crevices of darkness where the light had been ripped from my soul.

It was blinding.



And there was nothing I could do to stop it.


If Forever Comes is the continuation of Elizabeth and Christian's story, who we first met in Take This Regret. AL Jackson is an accomplished author who weaves us through some of the most amazing stories. When you read one of AL's books you enter into the world she has created. Her characters are so lovable that you build a true bond with each and every one of them.

Right out of the gate we are hit with heartache as we see Christian at one of his lowest points. He is engulfed in pain and despair. Your heart will ache and your head will swim with so many questions as to how they are at this point, yet again.

My eyes fluttered as my thoughts swam, and I got lost somewhere between fantasy and reality. ~ Christian

In the second Chapter we are taken back to one of the happiest of times. We get a glimpse of their trip to NYC. Which takes place during their first Christmas season as a united family. Elizabeth and Christian are emerged in their love for one another.

"You are such a beautiful man..... Inside and out. Thank you for showing me. For making me finally see. For helping me believe. I'd forgotten how to."

The book continues with their journey bouncing between present day and the moments leading up to the event that tore their world apart. I don't want to give away to many details, I will tell you that I have NEVER cried so much, waved my fist so hard and truly ache for a couple. Elizabeth and Christian deserve their HEA!!!!

Elizabeth's family stands by both their sides. As her cousin Natalie tries to pull Elizabeth from the darkness by taking her to a family lunch. The lunch itself is beyond difficult but the car ride home held the true sadness.

"Do you still love him?"

A Suggestion of Christian ghosted across my skin, memories of my life that meant the most to me, love and joy and everything. Sadness welled up and I swallowed it down.

"I don't know"

"Then maybe you need to remember how to live without him, Elizabeth, because you can't continue on this way." There was no accusation in the statement, just her own pain, her words filled with a sharp sense of surrender.

If Forever Comes is one of the most emotionally charged books that I have ever read. It truly is so much more than just a book with words on paper, it is an experience that will elicit emotions from you like no other. It was a great honor to be on this tour. I can't recommend the Take This Regret series enough! Grab a box of tissues and curl up with this 5 star read.

A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including Pulled and When We Collide.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children. Her favorite pastime is spending time with the ones she loves.



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