
OPEN YOUR EYES by JANI KAY ~ Blog Tour Stop (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Adult Contemporary Romance Novel.
Warning: 18+ Contains sex scenes and explicit language.
Second chances? Twisted love triangle? Hot steamy sex? Hell YES!

Shattered and disillusioned after separating from her domineering husband, all Natalie wants, is a peaceful Christmas vacation in New York City, with her 21 year old daughter, Olivia. Uncomplicated. No pressure. Fun.
What she didn’t expect, was meeting a dangerously handsome stranger in an art gallery. He is charming, sexy as hell, and does funny things to her insides. Her frozen heart slowly melts as he seduces her, awakening her deepest desires, showing her that the kind of love she craves is very possible. She wants him as much as he wants her.
Battling his demons from the past, famous photographer Nicholas Gallagher has successfully evaded serious relationships, earning him the title of the world’s most eligible bachelor. But from the moment he lays eyes on Natalie, she stirs something in him. Compelled to chase the sadness from her vivid blue eyes, Nick is captivated by the spirited Australian beauty.
Hot romance.
Steamy sex.
Absolute perfection.
Until Natalie gets a call from home – one she can’t ignore.  In a fateful moment the game changes and throws her life into chaos. Gabriel, her jealous ex, wants her back. Two powerful men want her. She is forced to make a choice that will tear her apart.
Will Natalie make the right choice? Will she finally find her soul mate, the one person who can look into her eyes and see deep into her soul, everything she is and everything she desires… will she finally open her eyes?
A Stand-alone Novel.

Nick must have sensed that I was awake. He slowly opened his eyes, confused for a few seconds before remembering where he was. He caught me in the act of staring at him, drawing in a short sharp breath when he looked down at me, straight into my eyes. A wicked grin spread over his face as he turned onto his side and hauled me even closer, encaging me with both his arms.
 “What a lovely way to wake up,” he whispered as he planted a kiss in my hair. His big hand rubbed up my back leisurely, as if he was savoring the moment, his palm applying just the right amount of pressure to my spine to make me want to purr. In spite of trying to suppress it, a small moan escaped my lips as he reached my neck and gently traced up it with his fingers, till his hand disappeared into my hair. Very gently, he massaged the base of my scalp till I dug my forehead into his chest, the simple touch sending ripples of pleasure through my already aroused body.
Good God! I barely knew the man, but his touch alone could ignite a fire in my belly of a magnitude I had never experienced before. If he could get this kind of toe-curling reaction from me by merely massaging my neck, what would making love with him do to me?
He gently tugged a fist full of my hair, raising my face up to his. I had closed my eyes, not wanting him to see the desire burning deep within me. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried desperately to keep my breathing even.
“Open your eyes. Look at me,” he whispered. I obeyed, even though it would expose my deepest feelings, slowly meeting his intense gaze. I gasped at the yearning in his eyes. My eyes melted into his as he searched my soul, seeing deeper than anyone ever had.
“Natalie,” he groaned softly as his head dipped and his lips covered mine. The kiss was gentle at first, a meeting of mouths and tasting one another. “So sweet,” he murmured against my mouth, then let his tongue slide along my lips, till I parted my mouth to let him slip in. He tasted of cheesecake and sleep…and passion and fire. His silky tongue glided along mine, a mingling of breaths and raw desire.
His hand moved down my back to cup my bottom and pull me against his body, closing the gap between us. So far I had carefully avoided touching in intimate places, much like a virgin in denial of the awakening of her body.
His arousal pushed into my belly, and I let out a gasp that he swallowed quickly with his mouth. My pulse quickened at the feel of his hard length throbbing against me, only the fabric of our clothing between us. The warm liquid pooling between my legs begged for more of him, but I lay there, unable to move, stunned that this man so obviously wanted me. I was getting more and more out of my depth with every passing moment. I wanted him, yet I wasn’t sure how to respond.
I’d never been a one-night stand type of girl. And I definitely didn’t do sex on a first date. Hell, this wasn’t even supposed to be a date. And he was virtually a stranger. Yet the want – the longing – in my belly overwhelmed my senses. I wanted to rub up against his erection; I wanted to kiss him till I was breathless. But I just lay there, dumbstruck.
I screwed my eyes shut.
 “I want you, Natalie. God, how I want you…” He thrust his pelvis against my stomach, grinding his steel hard length into me to affirm his words. “But I would never take you now. Not like this.”
His words had a strange effect on me – calming and evoking feelings of deep trust.
“I sense your fear, my little one, why are you so afraid?” His husky voice soothed me over. How could I tell him? Words weren’t enough.
“Open your eyes so I can see what you’re feeling. It's OK, I won’t hurt you.” Concern laced his voice. His hand cupped my chin, his thumb gently caressing my lips. I could drown in his touch alone.
My lids were heavy. Heavy with desire and pain and fear.
“Open, Natalie,” he coaxed so gently I couldn’t refuse.
I forced my eyes to open, my lids lifting slowly, trying to force my gaze to be neutral. But the moment I looked into his – soft and gentle – all the emotions came rushing back. This man could look deep into my soul without me uttering a word.
A sigh of relief escaped his lips. “You want me too…” he breathed as a wicked, wicked grin spread over his lips.
He must have read the confusion in my eyes. “For a moment there I thought you didn’t want me, little one. But your eyes tell me everything I need to know.”

Jani has been married for a long time to a special man, and her two children and their partners are the sunshine in her life. She is a voracious reader and would spend her last dollar on a book - always fascinated that for the mere price of a book, she can escape her world for a while and see through someone else's eyes.

Besides reading, her favorite 'thing' is traveling - she has traveled the world, learning about the ways people live and has come to the realization that no matter where we live, we all ultimately want the same things. Her hobby - Scrapbooking - keeps her up till way after midnight and her usual subjects are her family and her travels.

Ever since she can remember, Jani wanted to write stories about people, about their lives and loves. Relationships and Happiness - arguably the most difficult things to master in life and yet exactly what everyone ultimately desires (in her humble opinion).

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