
SKIPPING STONES by J.B. McGee ~ Blog Tour (Review & Giveaway)

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They say there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Not everyone will grieve in this order, nor will everyone go through every stage. It’s during the stage of denial when Alex Hart meets Andrew Foster. He takes her one-step closer to acceptance: the stage when new, meaningful relationships are formed. The stage when the realization occurs that this is now the new state of normal.

Just when Alex thinks she is on her way to healing, she enters the bargaining phase. That’s the phase where you wonder what you could have done differently. You wonder “what if?” Specifically, what if the ones you loved hadn’t left you?

Leaving…this is what makes heading off to war so difficult and frightening for Alex. She knows all too well what it’s like to be the one on the losing end of life, which is why she’s made it her personal mission in life to save as many lives as possible. The extreme high she gets from treating trauma victims turns into Alex’s own form of therapy, or so she thinks.

When faced with her world being turned upside down, Alex may just find that her true therapy is in the one who has always saved her.


Beautiful. It’s the only word to describe this wonderful book.
It is a 4.5 star amazing read!

Alex is a fun loving yet serious teenager.

I’m not like most kids. They call me an old soul. People joke and say fifteen going on thirty.

She’s ready to spend some time with her grandparents when tragedy strikes her family. The emotion placed into the scenes that followed tugged at my heart. I tried to put myself in Alex’s shoes. I tried to imagine how I would feel, what I would say. I couldn’t do it. Her heartbreak is evident in every word, every movement, and every reaction from every other character.

But her heart can be mended.

Drew is a boy from the other side of the creek. Allowing Alex a much needed outsider to guide her through the grief, he is able to make the pain subside even if it is only for the stolen moments they are together.

He caresses my cheek, just below my eyes. “Come back to me. I’ll teach you how to deal with those beautiful tears of yours. I’ll teach you how to breathe again. I’ll teach you everything.”

The other perfect piece of this story is the grandparents. Without them, this story would be nothing. They are the constant for Alex in a time when all else around her is fading to black. They a kind souls and I connected with their characters as they reminded me of my own grandparents.

Sharing much more about the remainder of this book would lead me to tell you the whole story because it is so good that I just want you to know what happened so we can all get online and talk about. Instead, I will leave you with these quotes and let the words of this book speak for themselves.

“But there’s sunshine. There are colorful flowers all around us. --- I know it’s hard to imagine, but one day you’ll see the flowers again.”

“I’ll find you, Alex. I think you’ve got enough to worry about. I’ll find you.”

Truly, this book is a must-read! It brings to life a story of a girl who is lost after tragedy. Her salvation comes in the form of a hand holding hers while she holds a flat river stone. I love that this story comes full circle in the end. You will not be disappointed with this read.

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A Note from J.B. McGee 

J.B. McGee was born and raised in Aiken, South Carolina. After graduating from South Aiken High School, she toured Europe as a member of the 1999 International Bands of America Tour, playing the clarinet. While attending Converse College, an all-girls school in Spartanburg, South Carolina, she visited Charleston often. It quickly became one of her favorite vacation spots. She met her husband, Chad, during Christmas break her freshman year, and they married in 2001 and she moved back to her home town.

In 2005, the couple welcomed their first son, Noah. J.B. finished her Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of South Carolina-Aiken in 2006. During her time studying children's literature, a professor had encouraged her to become a writer.

In 2007, she welcomed their second child, Jonah, and she became a stay at home mom/entrepreneur. In 2009, the found out their two children and J.B. have Mitochondrial Disease. In 2011, a diagnosis also was given to Chad. Please take a moment and learn more about Mitochondrial Disease. Awareness is key to this disease that has no cure or treatments.

J.B. McGee and her family now reside in Buford, Georgia, to be closer to their children's medical team. After a passion for reading had been re-ignited, J.B. decided to finally give writing a shot. Broken (This Series), is her first book and first series. 

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