
GREED by FISHER AMELIE ~ Blog Tour Stop (Author Interview, Review & Giveaway)

Fisher Amelie's GREED has been released and we are so excited to be on her blog tour. 

Don't miss out on this exciting tour and all the stops. 

Check out what we have for you today and enter to win in the blog tour giveaway!


Gather ‘round, love, because I want you. I want what you have, I want what you don’t have, I want more of what I already have. I want. But if you so much as ask for something in return, go ahead and walk away. Know if you want to play in my world, it’s every man for themselves and the weak become mine. Leeches will be obliterated because I make it my job to destroy them. I protect what’s mine and I take what’s yours...because that’s what I do. I want.

My story will not endear me to you and, frankly, I could care less if it does because I’m in this for the money and nothing else. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a corrupt, money hungry, immoral asshole from Los Angeles. I’m every man’s worst nightmare and every girl’s fantasy.

I’m Spencer Blackwell...And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most coveted guy to the guy no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

RG is over the moon to welcome Fisher Amelie as the first author to kick off our segment, Rude Girl's Couch Confessions.

RG:  What is one thing about writing that gives you the most pleasure?
FISHER:  The creative outlet of it all. There are times where I’m bursting at the seams to write/live in the alternative world I’ve created for myself and it’s such a high to see it in a tangible state. There is nothing like it. Nothing.

RG:  Do your characters write their own stories or do you guide them in the direction you feel the readers would want?
FISHER: I used to, keyword, used to write a character where I felt the reader would feel pleased. I absolutely no longer do that. "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby…I live by this. When I penned my previous novels before VAIN, I literally stifled my creative voice. I feel like such an idiot now but, at the time, I was trying to appeal to a broader audience. The truth of the matter is, an uninhibited creative process authors a much more original, artistic and imaginative manuscript, it may not appeal to that broader target audience but it most definitely creates a more memorable, deeper experience for the reader and, frankly, it begets a better story. So, to answer your question, my characters write their stories. ;)
I am so excited about the current series you are writing. Greed is the second novel in The Seven Deadly series.

RG:  What gave you the inspiration to write this series?
FISHER:  When I initially wrote VAIN, it possessed a completely different title. I believe it was something like, “Sophie the Vain,” or something similar. We toggled between several variations of this but decided on the simpler title, VAIN. When I wrote the book, I had absolutely no intentions of turning it into a series of standalones.
I had gotten it into my head, after several years of research and trying to get involved with the orphans in Uganda, that I needed to write the book, whether it would be popular or not. And when I wrote it, I held nothing back. I didn’t care if it offended. I didn’t care if it would be well received. I didn’t care if I made a dime. I needed to write the novel solely for the purpose of getting a more human element attached to the problems there, even if Kony had left and was attacking the Congo more than he was in Uganda. He was/is still prevalent in Africa, that’s all I cared about and I wanted everyone to see what he did to the people there but not in an overpowering way.
            So, when VAIN was pubbed, I still felt this connection to it and to its characters. It naturally progressed to a story starring Spencer. So many readers, as well as myself, wanted to hear his story, you know? The series spun off from there and it felt instinctive to cover the seven deadly sins.

RG:  Can you give us a sneak peek or a little inside info into the next book, Fury?
FISHER:  How about this? ;D

RG:  OMG This pic of ETHAN is so amazing!!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING!!

RG:  Do you always write in the same place at the same time of day or do different scenes call for different places and/or times?
FISHER:  Before I had kids, I was a night writer. (Nyuck nyuck) Like, three in the morning would come and I was struck with an idea and boom, I was writing until dawn. Now that I have kids, I had to force myself into a routine but this doesn’t smother my muse as much as I thought it would. Once I sit down at my desk, it’s on like Donkey Kong!

RG:  When you fall asleep do you ever dream in your character’s world? And do your dreams ever influence your writing?
FISHER:  I never dream of my characters after I’ve created them. Does that make sense? I’ve only had one instance where I dreamed a character and that character was struck down on paper as a potential lead but other than that, I don’t dream of them. BUT! That does not mean that my whacked out dreams don’t influence scenes. Like, if I’m dreaming of being chased, I use that. I set to memory those overwhelming sensations. i.e. The way my breath catches, the adrenaline, the panic, the fear. I use it all.

RG:  In your books, which character has been your favorite to date?  
FISHER:  So far, Ethan Moonsong but you won’t really meet him until next year. Mwuahahahahaha! He’s too adorable…even if he does do terrible deeds.

RG:  When are your upcoming events? We all want to meet you!!
FISHER:  I’ll be at the Betty Warmack Branch Library in Grand Prairie, Texas November 17th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm with Rachel Harris and Amanda Havard! As well as at the Richmond Author Event in Richmond, Virginia on December 14th at The Jefferson Hotel from 10:00am to 2:45pm.

RG:  Fisher, thank you for joining us today and helping us kick off our author interview segment, Rude Girl's Couch Confessions.  Good Luck with Greed!!

5 STARS!!!
Spencer Blackwell is ridiculous and frustrating - a poor excuse for a human being. At least this is what he thinks of himself. When I started reading this book, I went in with an assumption that I would hate Spencer with a passion and that I would find it difficult to accept any growth from him. His self loathing tried to force me into this hatred but, quite to the contrary, I was full of empathy for him from the beginning. Maybe it was part of his characters charm that poured off the pages and engulfed me, or maybe it was the fact that I knew deep down he longed for a life worth more than what his father was offering. Either way, his character and this story gripped me.

Spencer and his sister, Bridget, go through some major decision making early on in this book and the choices they make are not easy. Have you ever tried to leave something behind? Maybe your dogs or your loved ones for a weekend? Try saying goodbye to everything you know and feeling like you will NEVER get it back. This is what Spencer and Bridget decided to do.

When they arrived at their destination, they had no clue what to expect. Their big welcome to Hunt Ranch is full of introductions and characters that fill such important pieces of the story. Is there love in this book? Yes. Is it the kind of love you normally get in a contemporary romance novel? No. Fisher takes a story about one guy and turns it into a story about the lives of everyone. Because isn't true that one single life does not exist alone? Spencer has made decisions his whole life that effect other people. Now, it's time for him to change. Trouble is, he keeps effecting other people.

It hit me about three fourths of the way through that giving up greed was not the point for Spencer. Instead, allowing himself to be greedy for the things in life that matter was more important. Changing his inner monologue from a greed for things and materialism to a greed for healthy relationships and emotional healing.

Here are just a few of my favorite Spencer bits...

"Girls, another little clue here: Only skanky guys want skanky girls. You'd be surprised what a little bit longer hem can get you in the long run." - Quotes like this were cracking me up through the whole book.

"I'd discovered that Amos McAllen was the kind of man whose name would never make the history books or national headlines but there was something so extraordinary about him. It pained me that America would not know him personally." - Loved this little Spencer revelation. My, oh my. Aren't there great people like this everywhere? What if the magazines did profiles on these kind of people instead of well, you know. 

"The more you give, the more you get. It's a staggering notion, but the truth nonetheless." - Yup.

Fisher, you have done it again. I have loved your writing from my first taste of Callum and Harper. Since then your writing has stolen my author loving heart piece by piece. I am so grateful for your story telling and for the pieces of myself that grow along with your characters.

It's beautiful. You should all go read it now.
And Vain, too. It is equally as beautiful.
Purchase her books here:

About Fisher Amelie:

Fisher Amelie is the author of The Leaving Series, Callum & Harper and Thomas & January. She began her writing career as a copywriter for an internet marketing company wherein one of their client's said, 'Hey! You're funny. You should write books'. Which in turn she said, 'Hey, get out of here! This is the lady's restroom.' While washing her hands and the embarrassment from her face, she thought they may have had a valid point. So, she took the thousands of hours of writing stories growing up, tucked them into her pocket and began writing and writing and writing.

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GREED Blog Tour Schedule

October 28th
The Indie Bookshelf-Review Only
Aestas Book Blog-Review Only
Romance Addict-Character Interview (Spencer Blackwell)

October 29th
Read This Hear That-Dream Cast
Reality Bites!-Review Only

October 30th

October 31st

November 1st

November 2nd
Just Booked-Author Interview
BookNerds Anonymous-Review Only

November 3rd

November 4th
Gutter Girls Book Reviews-Excerpt
Fic-Talk-Review Only

November 5th

November 6th
Rude Girl Book Blog-Author Interview
Contagious Reads-Review Only

November 7th
True Story Book Blog-Character Interview (Cricket Hunt)
Rumpled Sheets Blog-Guest Post
Always YA at Heart-Review Only

November 8th
#BookNerd-Review Only
Pink Fluffy Hearts-Excerpt

November 9th
BestSellers & BestStellars-Review Only
Books to Get Lost In-Character Interview (Ethan Moonsong)
Tiffany Talks Books-Review Only

November 10th


  1. Probably envy, as in looking up to others, wishing to be more like them..

  2. I loved Vain!! It was not the type of story I was expecting and I was blown away!
    I'm SO going to enjoy reading this series!

  3. envy or greed because they go hand in hand
