

The Will to Love
A Scarlet Fever Novel
Title: The Will to Love (Scarlet Fever #2)
Author: Selene Chardou
Expected release date: November 15, 2013
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Cover Designed by: Stephanie Nelson (

“I wasn’t looking for love, only a good time and a way to tour the world with a rock band when he came along and hit me like a hurricane. Nothing could have prepared for me for the complexity that was Will Cullen. He hid a secret that would devour me whole and spit me out. The only problem I had was how did I let go when I decided to give my heart to the very man I would never be able to control and who would always be just beyond my reach?” – Laurel Munsen

Will Cullen has always been comfortable in his own skin, even it was behind the scenes as the bass player for Scarlet Fever. He’s always known he was gay and accepted his sexuality even if he couldn’t be out and proud as a member of one of the most popular rock bands in the world.
Laurel was supposed to be a diversion, a beard to hide behind while he and his lover, drummer Grant MacMullen continued their hot and heavy relationship. Until Grant breaks his heart and admits there can never be a future between them.
It is Laurel who picks up the pieces and although he knows what they have together is wrong and conforming to society’s standards of what love supposed to be, how can he rectify his strong attraction and desire for men while he is falling in love with a woman?
Both Laurel and Will learn the fluidity of human emotions and together, they gather the strength and courage to live life, understand each other and love with heart, body, mind and soul.
Note: This story is about a homosexual man who happens to fall in love with a heterosexual woman but it does not negate his homosexual status nor is the author implying sexuality is a choice; rather that most of the time, we don’t and cannot choose the person we fall in love with and decide to give our heart and soul.

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Selene Chardou is a world traveler and the alter-ego of Elle Chardou.
Ms. Chardou’s writing is all about hot romance and exciting times with the wild, damaged, out of control and/or rich and famous set in the New Adult realm.
She is currently working on Deadly Seduction, the first novel in the Rough Riders series, which chronicles the issues between Lucifer’s Saints and Demon’s Bastards motorcycle clubs. She is also working on Lust & Faith, the third novel in the Scarlet Fever series.
Ms. Chardou has lived abroad in Stockholm (Sweden), Manchester (England), Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Portland. She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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