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Beautiful Broken Mess
By Kimberly Lauren
Released Date: November 9th
Approx 238 pages
Jace Riley’s close connection with his identical twin brother, Jaxon, is put to the test when he tries to choose between keeping his promises and following his heart. Is this girl that still haunts his dreams, even after four years, really worth it? Jace can’t help but wonder if he made a huge mistake all that time ago when he let her walk into someone else’s arms, especially since that someone was his twin.
Audrey Mills often wonders at what point she should throw her hands up in defeat and allow all of the horrible circumstances of her life to overtake her. Despite the demons she has faced, however, something inside her won’t give in. When she leaves her small town in Texas to attend college in California, Audrey runs into the one guy who could make her or break her. But is the past they share too painful for them to overcome?
This is the second book in the broken series. While each book can stand on its own, it's recommended you read Beautiful Broken Rules before Beautiful Broken Mess.
New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance - recommended for ages 18 and up.

“I’m still so drawn to you.  It’s like nothing has changed in the past four years.  You still feel like a breath of fresh air compared to every girl I’ve met before.”
Beautiful Broken Mess is a story of reconnecting with a person your soul was always meant to be with.  

Aubrey suffered a terrible childhood at the hands of her father. While the sudden passing of Jace's father leaves his family turned upside down. Your heart will break for these characters but sadly their true struggles are yet to come.

Jace and Audrey meet while they are in high school.  After an afternoon of coffee and conversation their fate is sealed with one HOT and STEAMY kiss! But as Aubrey's luck would have it, their first date did not go as planned.

After years of separation and way too much bad water under the bridge, Audrey finds herself attending the same college as Jace.  Their love story is heartbreaking and filled with secrets.
I want to scream at how irate I am that he never came to me and asked what happened.  I want to cry because of everything we could have had.  Even after all that, I want to reassure him that he should never feel guilt….
I LOVE that Beautiful Broken Mess is told alternating POV’s.  Kimberly Lauren weaves us through this emotional read filled with fabulous characters. Both books in this series can be read as a stand alone and each have their own HEA.
This is a great 4.5 star read!!

I'm a wanderer, an adventurer, a traveler. I want to see it all. I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list. "She travels the world & home is always in her heart." Lately if I'm not traveling or chasing a toddler, I'm writing. Which is weird because I hated writing in college. Oh wait, that's because that was boring. Who really wants to sit there and cite all your sources into APA format? Not this girl. Writing for yourself is enjoyable and cathartic. Please try it. Then tell me about because I love indie authors. When I was 19, I packed up and followed my high school sweetheart from Texas to California. We had a blast living it up in San Diego. Four years later we made a crazy decision and packed up again and moved to Germany. What? Yep, you read that right. Guess what? Best decision ever! We OWNED Europe. For three years we saw as much as we possibly could. We lived an hour outside of France, a couple from Switzerland and Italy. Most amazing time of my life. Please go out there and see the world, you won't regret it. After Europe we moved back to California, and for now we're just debating our next adventure. I earned a degree in Child Development. And now I write novels. Makes perfect sense! I write because I walk around all day with these stories in my head. It's nice to be able to get them out of my head in an organized fashion. I hope that someone out there enjoys them, because I have enjoyed so many others'.



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1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this authors books, have read all of them! Love your review! :)
    Kristin @ simply bookish things
