
UNDONE by R.E. HUNTER ~ Review & Giveaway

Undone (Disclosure Series Book #1)
Author: R.E. Hunter
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Expected Release Date: January 6, 2014 
*See Signed Paperback Giveaway at bottom of post*

Five years ago, Embry Jacobs ran...

She ran from a past that still hasn’t let her go, but her dream of becoming a lawyer is stronger than her fear of confronting that past. Embry’s sole focus is to get through law school—with the help of her best friend, Morgan—and make something of the broken girl she became. Not thinking about falling in love, being in a relationship or even entertaining the idea of romance, Embry is moving forward one day at a time.

Luke Brody is charming and sexy, and has a past of his own. He wants nothing more than to put his demons to rest and move on with his life. But, when Embry enters the picture, is he destined to repeat those same mistakes?

Blindsided by their instant attraction, neither Luke nor Embry are prepared for the feelings they’re developing. But will it all be for nothing?

Will they let their pasts destroy them, or will they risk everything to fight for their relationship when it all comes undone?



This can’t be happening. That thought ran on a constant loop through her head as she sat in the cold, uninviting classroom, the smell of antiseptic invading her nostrils. A shiver crept up her spine, and she couldn’t tell if it was from the temperature or her nerves. Maybe both. She sat on a hard plastic chair, hands gripped in her lap, her foot tapping furiously against the linoleum. The anticipation was killing her. She studied the three people at the front of the room, their heads bent together as they whispered amongst themselves.

Her heart thumped in her chest, the dull thud echoing in her ears as she sat silently, waiting. Her head swam, and she struggled to keep herself afloat instead of drowning in the anxiety that threatened to pull her under. She strained forward, hoping to catch even a small piece of their hushed conversation, but all she could hear was the shallow murmur of their voices. She wanted to get it over with. Like a Band-Aid, it would hurt either way. Might as well make it quick. She’d had to pick up the pieces of her broken life and move on once before. But she couldn’t do it again, not after all of her hard work. She wouldn’t accept it, she couldn’t.

How did this happen? They’d been careful. Hadn’t they been careful? She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried in vain to think of something, anything else.

The older gentleman on the end cleared his throat, pulling her from her thoughts. “Miss Jacobs?”

She looked up at the members of the university’s disciplinary committee, taking them in one at a time. She straightened her back and lifted her chin, hoping the outward display of confidence would give her some semblance of the same feeling on the inside. That was shot to hell as soon as she opened her mouth. “Y-yes, sir?” she answered, her voice trembling.

“Do you know why you’re here?” the other man asked, his eyes kind.

“No, sir.” She shook her head, but she was pretty sure she had an idea.

“Let me tell you,” the older man interjected, opening the folder in front of him. He explained the purpose of the hearing and the university’s policies regarding disciplinary sanctions.

She sat back, rubbing her palms on her pants and trying to calm down. As she listened to his words, she was hit with a rush of emotion so strong it almost bowled her over. Good. Bad. Happy. Sad. Betrayal. Rage. Shock. Relief. Relief? She fought to keep focused on the seriousness of the situation before her as a litany of memories assaulted her consciousness.


She’d had to pick up the pieces of her broken life and move on once before.  But she couldn’t do it again, not after all of her hard work.  She wouldn’t accept it, she couldn’t.

Undone the debut novel for Author R.E. Hunter.  WOW what a debut it is!!  It is full of emotional twists and turns all of which have you wondering what could possibly happen next.
This is an amazing 4.5 star read!  

Embry Jacobs is a strong determined young woman embracing the beginning of law school.  She is dealing with dark demons as she returns home to begin her new journey.  Just five short years ago Embry was living a lie.  She was dating her HOT high school sweetheart that her parents loved as if he was already their son-in-law.  This relationship was full of dark rage and Embry’s only means of survival was to escape and flee to a college several hundred miles away.

Luke Brody is the tall, dark and handsome HOTTIE that comes out of nowhere.  He recently relocated to the area and is looking for a fresh start.  Little did he know that one look at Embry and his whole world would realign.  Luke is the total swoon worthy package with his piercing blue eyes, sensitive and caring demeanor all with a side of mystery that surrounds him.

She wanted to feel something good. Reaching out, she grabbed his face and brought his mouth to hers. Every nerve ending in her body flared to life as their lips connected. She knew he was holding back, letting her run the show.

Just when Embry finally feels she can let her guard down an embrace this relationship things take a sudden turn.  Did Embry turn a blind eye to red flags circling Luke’s secrets?  Can they pick up the pieces and move on?   

The secondary characters are really like main players in this story.  I fell in love with Jeremy!  He is Embry’s classmate and study partner.  I can't wait to see what Jeremy's involvement will be as this series unfolds.  And we have Morgan.  She is the spirited bff that we would all love to have at our side.  She loves Embry fiercely and is willing to protect Embry at all costs.

This is an amazing story of struggle and adversity.  You will find yourself so connected with these characters that they don’t leave your heart and thoughts for days after finishing this book.  AND THE ENDING… Yes one and all it is a Cliffy!!!  I had such a serious book hangover from this book!! I honestly couldn’t say if I was more torn up over the twists or the cliffy!!!  I will be stalking R.E. Hunter as she feverishly works on the sequel, which she hopes to release this summer.




R.E. Hunter is a native New Yorker and lives on Long Island with her husband and their monster kitty. She works as an attorney by day and writes whenever she can. As an avid reader and writer, she's excited to be on this crazy journey publishing her debut novel, Undone, this January. When she’s not writing, you can usually find her somewhere near a beach. She loves traveling, road trips, concerts, photography and good wine.

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