
COME TO ME QUIETLY by AL JACKSON ~ Review, Giveaway and Interview

Come To Me Quietly (The Closer to You Series, Book 1)
By: A.L. Jackson
Release Date: January 7, 2014
Genre: New Adult Romance
Blog Tour hosted by: 
Shh Moms Reading, Literary Mania Reviews, and Brandee’s Book Endings


Aleena Moore is haunted by Jared Holt. It’s been six years since she’s seen her brother’s best friend, the self-destructive bad boy she secretly loved in high school. As the years pass, she knows it’s time to move on. Time to decide between a practical nursing degree and her true dream as an artist. Time to get over Jared and give another guy a chance...

Just when she opens her heart to her friend Gabe, Aly returns home to find Jared sleeping on her couch. The teenage boy she loved has grown into a man she can’t resist. Covered in tattoos and lost in rage, he’s begging to be saved from his demons—the memories of the day he destroyed his family. As the two reconnect, their passion is hot enough to torch Aly’s judgment. But can she risk her future for a man who lives on the edge of destruction?


Thank you for stopping by RG! We are exciting to promote your new release COME TO ME QUIETLY!

RG: You are known for your emotionally charged books. Do you pull from personal life experiences to create these stories?

AL: I definitely draw on different emotions and experiences I’ve had in my life, but once I get into my stories, the characters and their emotions really take on a life of their own.

RG: Jared and Aly’s story is so amazing we can’t wait until July!!! Can you give us a sneak peek or an excerpt from Come to Me Softly?

AL: Thank you!! I absolutely love that y’all loved Jared and Aly! I can’t wait for the second book…here’s a little taste:

Slowly he came into view as he stepped forward. He towered over me. As he approached, my eyes caressed the sharp angles of his face. My attention jumped along the deformed, warped story played out on his chest and down the deep lines cut into his rugged stomach. His hips jutted out above his tight underwear, something so tempting in the way he moved. Sinewy muscle bunched and flexed beneath the color of his strong arms, bristled in the corded strength of his powerful legs.

A tremor rolled through me.

He was indescribable. Devastating.

So hard, every inch of him, callused from the wounds that had marred his life, this terrifying beauty that held me captive, tying me somewhere to the darkest places of his soul.

But his eyes… they were soft. Bright. Filled my own darkness with light.

“Hey,” he murmured quietly as he drew near.

“Hey,” I whispered back.

He knelt at the side of my bed and leaned in to brush back the matted hair stuck to my dampened forehead. “Are you okay?” Concern tightened his brow as he searched my face. “Was I too rough?” 

Softly, I shook my head, unable to look away from this gorgeous man. “No, not at all.” I trailed my trembling fingers down his face. “You don’t need to worry about me so much.”

“How can I not? I just want to take care of you.”

RG: Totally fanning myself over here! Let's just take a minute before we move on to the next question to think about the AMAZINGLY HOT Jared!!!!

RG: Which character has been your favorite to write?

AL: Definitely Jared Holt. He was just so broken and beautiful, I couldn’t help fall in love with him. 

RG: How do you choose names for your characters? 

AL: I usually just toss around names in my head, but my favorite way is to brainstorm in my writing group. We usually throw out names and just kind of piece them together. It is a lot of fun.

RG: Can you tell us about your writing cave?

AL: I have a super cozy cave in a nook in my bedroom. A little too cozy…it’s a dark and incredibly quiet in there, so a lot of times I’ll write at the kitchen table because I have to sit up and be a little more alert. I tend to get a lot more done that way instead of so much daydreaming. 

RG: Have you always been a “writer” or did you come to realize your passion for writing later in life?

AL: I wrote some in college, but it was basically poetry that I kept in journals…a mess of thoughts and emotions. It wasn’t until later in life that I actually sat down to write a novel.

RG: What is your guilty pleasure where books are not concerned?

AL: A night of Jager and my best friend…whether we’re out or just hanging around the house. I love just letting loose like that.

RG: What’s on your TBR right now?

AL: I just started Rule by Jay Crownover and then I have a beta that I can’t wait to dive into by Molly McAdams.
Thank you for joining Rude Girl’s Couch Confessions.

My back bowed over the counter as he hissed in my face “I don’t need your shit, and I promise you, you don’t need mine.” He released a bitter grunt as he leaned back, then stalked away.
And so it begins… another story perfected in ways only AL Jackson can deliver. Come to Me Quietly is a gripping story of tragic loss and starting over.
This is an amazing 5 star MUST read.

Aleena “Aly” Moore is a very strong determined young woman, in the mid of her college career. She is genuine, you always know where you stand with her and she holds her loved ones very close to her heart.
“You’re completely full of shit, you know. You don’t scare me for a second.” It was a lie, of course. Pretty much all my fears were wrapped up in him.
His face darkened, “I’m not trying to scare you, Aly.”
“Then don’t.”
Jared Holt is the hot tempered bad boy that any good girl should steer clear of and probably most do. Not Aly, she knew Jared prior to all his pain, tattoos and the darkness that haunts his eyes. Jared had the ideal childhood. He grew up in a loving family and had friends that would stick by him through just about anything… that is until his life was ripped apart and he did everything he could to push away anyone who cared.
Almost every exposed inch of skin was covered in ink, these intricate designs that bled and wept, wound together to create an allusion of death… Sickness coiled in my stomach as I realized the significance of the statement he made. This boy was painted in his pain.
Jared tries to hold Aly at arms length. He even goes so far as being an asshole or just outright ignoring her. Jared is so sure he will destroy her and that he is undeserving of any kind of happiness. Two flaws in his attempt: First, he was crashing on her couch, so they were around each other ALOT. Second, their attraction was more like a force of nature. It was pulling them together at almost every turn.
So I’d taken from afar.
Watched her in the moments she didn’t know I was there, traced her face with my eyes instead of my fingers, hated myself a little but more.
I was the worst kind of coward because I stayed when I knew I should go.
Come to Me Quietly is definitely a book I will re-read. Jared and Aly are not characters you can walk away from quickly. The second book in this series, COME TO ME SOFTLY is set to release on July 1st.

One last thing... Aly is roommates with her older brother, Christopher and I AM HOPING he gets a book! I just know Mr. Christopher Moore has some secrets to share instead of burying them all in his one night conquests. HE IS OH SO YUMMY!

A.L. Jackson is the New York Times bestselling author of Take This Regret and Lost to You, as well as other contemporary romance titles, including Pulled, When We Collide, and If Forever Comes.

She first found a love for writing during her days as a young mother and college student. She filled the journals she carried with short stories and poems used as an emotional outlet for the difficulties and joys she found in day-to-day life.

Years later, she shared a short story she’d been working on with her two closest friends and, with their encouragement, this story became her first full length novel. A.L. now spends her days writing in Southern Arizona where she lives with her husband and three children.

Look for Come to Me Softly, book two in the Closer To You Series, coming July 1, 2014

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