
SHELTER YOU by Alice Montalvo-Tribue ~ Blog Tour (Review, Alt POV & Giveaway

Shelter You
By: Alice Montalvo-Tribue
Release Date: January 14th
Goodreads Link
Event Organized by Love Between the Sheets

She's mine.

That was the first thought that came to my mind when I held my baby in my arms at seventeen. I didn't care that my parents had already promised to give her to a wealthy family. That they were forcing me to give her away.

She was mine.

I ran away from that hospital, from that family, from the only life I knew. I planned to start over with what little money I had, determined to make something of myself despite the odds.

Then Logan Tate came along.

Gorgeous and controlling, he claimed he was trying to help me, and he didn't care that I was just another teenage pregnancy story.

But I don’t trust him. I don't trust anyone. And if Logan knew the real secrets and lies I was keeping inside, he wouldn't dare try to shelter me.


I pull up a chair next to Mia at the dinner table, surprised that she went through the trouble of cooking at all. She’s a guest here, the last thing I expected her to do was make me dinner. We barely speak as we eat and the silence feels deafening to me, it’s uncomfortable and makes me want to crawl out of my skin.

“How was work?” I finally ask her to try and bridge the gap between us. I called in a favor from my sister’s best friend Sarah to get her a job at the daycare and I only hope that she likes it enough to stay.

She takes a sip of her soda before she looks up at me and shrugs. “It was okay.”

She stands up, picks up both empty plates and walks them over to the sink. I can hear the water begin to run as she continues. “I think Sarah was kind of shocked that I was driving your car. She was even more stunned by the fact that I’m staying here.”

She’s poking around for information, asking a question without really asking and I have to admit I’m glad that she’s questioning. The fact that she’s wondering about the nature of my relationship with Sarah means that she cares about me maybe even feels something for me but doesn’t want to admit it. I can’t explain the need that comes over me, to get closer to her, to make her understand that even though I haven’t spoken the words she’s going to be mine.

I pick up the empty glasses from the table and make my way over to the sink caging Mia in with my body; I reach over her to put them in the sink using the motion to get even closer to her. The sound of her breath catching in her lungs tells me that I’m dead on; she wants me just as badly as I want her. It’s all the confirmation that I need, I let my hand barely graze her hip and gently touch her ear with my lips.

“Mia,” I say barely above a whisper. “Sarah is my sister’s best friend, she’s my friend, there’s nothing between us.”

I say the words hoping that they’re enough to reassure her of my intentions. She shrugs my explanation off pretending that my explanation means nothing.

“It’s really none of my business.” She says, her words causing an immediate grin to form on my lips.

I reach over her again shutting the water off and dislodging the soaked sponge from her hand. I tighten my grip on her and force her to turn around so that she has no choice but to look up at me. God I’m an asshole for pushing her this far but I can’t back down now, she needs to know where this is going, the sooner the better.

“So you wouldn’t care if I told you that I did have relationship with Sarah?” Again I’m an asshole but my chest swells when I see her flinch.

“Why would I care Logan?” She asks lowering her gaze so that she’s staring at the wall of my chest.

“Look at me Mia.” I command, needing to see the depth of emotions swimming around her eyes.

“Did you?” She asks barely audibly.

“Did I what?” I know what she’s asking but I need her to say the words, need to drag her out of her shell.

She lets out a huff of air but ultimately asks, “Did you have a relationship with Sarah? Did you sleep with her?”

A smile breaks out on my face, and I must look like a wolf in sheep’s clothing to her but I can’t help it, I pull at an unruly strand of her hair and gently push it behind her ear. It’s my sad attempt at keeping us connected.

“No. I never had a relationship with Sarah; I’ve never slept with her.”

I see the relief flash across her delicate features as I let my hand stroke her cheek. I’m surprised when she leans into my hand, encouraging me to continue but I’m completely stunned when my sheltered girl actually pushes off of the counter and kisses me. That’s all it takes, one kiss is my undoing, one kiss is all it takes to seal her fate, whether she realizes it or not Mia now belongs to me.

My heart starts to beat faster as I listen to her directions. Am I really doing this? Am I strong enough, brave enough…
Shelter You is a story of selfless love and adversity. One with some unexpected twists and turns that will have you aching for the characters as they struggle to find their HEA.
This is a nail biting 5 star read!

Mia Reynolds is just weeks shy of her eighteenth birthday. But unlike most recent high school graduates, Mia is not moving into college dorms or off living a carefree life. She made a snap decision, with the unexpected help of her postpartum nurse the wheels were set in motion and now Mia is on the run.
The moon is full tonight and it illuminates the sky in such a way that makes the night feel like it’s a permanent fixture, like the universe is so filled with darkness that the sun might never shine down again. There are times when I feel like my life is like that, eternally submerged in the dark, like all of the sunlight has left my world and I may never see it again.
Mia and Lily find an efficiency apartment and life slips into a daily routine. Mia keeps to herself and doesn't venture out but begins to get on her feet as a new mother.

In walks Officer Logan Tate. He is the very responsible and HOT police officer, that is bound and determine to help Mia and Lily. The problem with Logan's offer... Mia is still a girl on the run and can't trust ANYONE therefore Logan doesn't even know Mia's real name.  So she attempts to keep him at arms length and protect the life she is trying to build.  
“I put myself out there for people I don’t know all of the time. Tonight I’m doing it because I want to, because I can.”
At first they are just making the best of an uncomfortable situation but then their attraction builds. Logan is definitely the epitome of slow and steady wins the race. He see Mia’s trust issues and wins her over with his caring and affectionate nature.
“Mia, you’re not a stereotype to me. The fact that you’re young and have a baby doesn’t bother me. I am completely in awe of you, of what you did for Lily.”
Is love enough when odds are stacked against Mia? Will her parents find her and try to make her give Lily up for adoption? Or will Lily’s birth father re-enter Mia’s life??? Find out these answers and more! Grab this hot release today!


Alice Montalvo-Tribue lives with her husband and daughter in New Jersey. She has a bachelors degree in communications and is currently working on her masters degree. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and when the weather permits lounging out on a beach.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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