

Love's Suicide
By: Jennifer Foor
Release Date: February 26th
Approx 384 pages
Goodreads Link

My heart belonged to Branch and Brooks Valentine since we were children, when we were all too naïve to know what that even meant. We didn’t understand that when we became adults, love would change us. I had to make a choice and when I did, it ripped our bond apart. Brooks left town, and he took half of my heart with him. It was difficult, but I coped and planned my future with Branch. I thought I’d made the right decision. I loved him and I always had.

Brooks showed up to be our best man the night before our nuptials. After drinks and too much reminiscing, I ended up in bed with the wrong brother. To avoid the humiliation and the fact that I’d ruined all of our lives, I left Branch and the only family I’d ever known.

That’s where my story should have ended.

Two years, one beautiful little girl and an abusive marriage later, I was standing there staring at the man that would always hold my heart.

The only question was…

Would I give it to him.

I’m Katy Michaels and this is my story.


“I want you to think about being without Branch for a few months. Then switch it around and think about being without me. When you have your answer, you’ll know why I had to leave."
This book had my heart twisting and turning in all directions. Just when I thought Katy couldn’t take another blow, life would throw her off a cliff!!

Katy Michaels was living the storybook life until the day her parents where killed when she was only twelve years old. She was taken in by her parent’s closest friends and manages to piece her life back together. This is where the HOLY MOLY love triangle forms and it will have your heart aching and fist pounding all at the same time!
“Yeah. He loves you, too. Don’t you get it? I can’t sit around here while you two are planning this fantastic life together. I am drowning in your fucking happiness.”
Katy’s heart was torn between two young men who also happen to be twin brothers. Brooks and Branch Valentine have been Katy’s closest friends since birth.
“I’ve loved you for as long as I could remember.”
Just at the peak of their emotional roller coaster, Katy runs… She has shattered the hearts of so many and feels her escape is their only way to rebuild. What she didn’t plan on was the love she has for Brooks will continue, whereby causing her constant struggle and heartache.
“What if I don’t know how to stop loving you?”
Love’s Suicide is hardly a hearts and flowers romance. It is touching and heartbreaking all at the same time. We are shown just how cruel fate can be and how true determination can pay off in the end.

This is an emotional 4 star read.


A Maryland native who spends most of her time devising a plan to live off the land on some remote island, where no one will ever find her.

She is a married mother of two kids, who may or may not drive her completely bonkers. In her spare time she enjoys shooting pool, camping and spending time with friends and family.
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