
THE DARK LIGHT OF DAY by T.M. FRAZIER ~ Author Interview, Review &Giveaway

I am thrilled to welcome the very talented T.M. Frazier to our Rude Girl's Couch Confessions segment.  After you check out the review of her novel, THE DARK LIGHT OF DAY be sure to enter the GIVEAWAY!

T.M. Frazier resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and three feisty fur kids.

In the third grade she wrote her very first story about a lost hamster. It earned rave reviews from both her teacher and her parents although her spelling could have (and could still) use some help.

It only took her twenty years to start the next book.

The Dark Light of Day is her debut novel.

King will be released in 2014.

She is an avid reader herself who LOVES talking books and chatting with her readers. 

RG: I just finished The Dark Light of Day and totally LOVED IT!!!! MAN I have a serious book hangover! THANK YOU!
Where do you get your inspiration for these darker characters?
T.M: The inspiration for the story started as a song. Brantley Gilberts ‘Hell on an Angel’ gave me the idea for Jake’s character. But overall, darkness just kind of comes naturally to me, as odd as that may sound.

RG: Can you give us a sneak peek or an excerpt from KING?
T.M: King

“In one last attempt to figure out what was going on I used all the energy I had left to open my eyes and glance over King's shoulder. There was Ed, slumped against the ATM, the very same place where I’d tried to seek shelter for the night. His eyes were open, staring blankly ahead.
A bullet hole between his eyes.”
RG: In your books, which character has been your favorite to date?
T.M: That would be like asking me to choose my favorite child because my books and the characters are like children to me and I love them all so much, even the evil ones!

RG: Can you tell us a little about your writing style? Do you typically create an outline or just start writing and let the story take the lead?
T.M: I start with an outline and then I write the scenes that I can see the clearest first. So typically I write out of order. The epilogue for The Dark Light of Day is one of the very first things I wrote.

RG: How do you choose names for your characters?
T.M: I don’t put a lot of thought into it really, they just kind of pop in my head and I don’t second-guess it. King’s name came to me first before his character and that is why I called the book KING. Doe’s name is because she has no memory and it’s short for Jane Doe. Jake’s original name was Jackson but I had read three books with characters names Jackson so at the very last minute I changed it to Jake. If any of that makes sense. Lol

RG: Can you tell us about your writing cave?
T.M: It’s not much of a cave. We have an office but instead I sit with my lap-top on my couch and I plug in my ear buds and just zone out, only to be brought back into reality when one of my three dogs decide that they want to rest their heads on my keyboard. I always show my husband pics of the awesome writing caves on Pinterest and I am hoping for an awesome little alcove with bookshelves someday.

RG: Have you always been a “writer” or did you come to realize your passion for writing later in life?
T.M: I was in a group in the 6th grade, an afterschool club, called Authors Club. It was 6 or 7 girls and we would sit around and read our short stories and depressing angsty poetry. I always knew I was a writer; it just took me a while to make it my career.

RG: What’s on your TBR right now?
T.M: Everything! My TBR is huge and gets longer and longer every day. Ella Fox has a new book out that I can’t wait to sink my teeth into. Pam Godwin’s Deliver and Aurora Rose Reynolds Until Lilly are both up there at the top as well. I just finished Mia Sheridan’s Archer’s Voice and I LOVED it!

RG: What is your guilty pleasure where books are not concerned?
T.M: Traveling. I love vacations of any kind. My husband and I always have a list of places we want to go to.

The Dark Light of Day
By TM Frazier
Released on September 15th, 2013
Approx 258 pages

Warning: This is not your typical romance. The story of Abby & Jake contains disturbing situations, graphic violence, sex, rape, strong language, drug use, and all types of abuse.

Abby has been through hell and has survived one of the most brutal childhoods imaginable…barely.

To the outside world she's just a loner with an attitude.

When her grandmother dies in a tragic explosion, Abby is left with questions-and nothing else.

Homeless, sleeping in a junkyard, and on the run from a system that has failed her over and over again, she meets Jake, a tattooed blue-eyed biker with secrets that will rival her own.

Two broken souls that can't be healed. They can't be saved.

Abby and Jake must reveal to one another their most guarded secrets and discover if they can embrace the darkness those secrets hold-and the darkness within themselves.

If they can accept one another for who they really are, they might be able to learn that love isn’t always found in the light.


Making love wasn’t our thing. We already had love. We made it every day. It was in every look, every touch, every understanding word.
Our sex? It was about owning one another. Finally being able to feel after years of pushing that shit aside in order to live and survive was an amazing f?cking feeling.
The Dark Night of Day is one of those books that immediately sucks you in and never lets go.  You will find yourself putting aside reality to totally devour this book!  As the synopsis sets out, this is not your typical romance novel BUT it is one you should not miss!!!
He hated me because I’d let him hate me. Because it was easier to have him hate me that it was to deal with allowing someone in my life who I believed didn’t trust me, or what I thought we’d had.
Abby Ford has lived a horrific life and she is only seventeen years old. Her parents (and I use this term only because they created her) were any child’s worst nightmare. Abby’s flashbacks alone would rip your heart out BUT life is still trying to knock her down. Our Abby is a fighter in every sense of the word. I loved that she refused to be a victim. Abby held her head high and didn’t expect anything from anyone.
I finally realized that it’s possible to love within a space that sometimes holds nothing but emptiness… or nothing but darkness.
After all, we all have darkness within us.
Then there's Jake, with his good looks and questionable occupation. Jake is a ruthless yet gentle character, who is living a lonely existence where he never forms lasting relationships. I loved both sides of Jake, it fit the story perfectly.

Finding true love isn’t always easy and it can be with the most unexpected person.  The Dark Light of Day shows us that even the people capable of horrible crimes can love unconditionally.

We were just us. Broken and bruised. F?cked up and messy. And together we were everything we never thought we could be. We didn’t need sweet and gentle. I didn’t need to be coddled. I needed Jake, and he gave himself to me just as I myself to him.
Grab this dark, captivating 4.5 star read TODAY!!! This is a standalone read and completely wraps up perfectly.  I look forward to reading many more books by T.M. Frazier.  
The second book in the series, KING is due out this Spring.  Here is the GOODREADS LINK

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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