Author of Breakable, Easy, and the Between the Lines series.
I'm a former undergraduate academic advisor, married to my high school sweetheart, mother to three adult children and four very immature cats.
Please check my blog for book updates. If you have questions, I have an FAQ tab there, with a public email address listed for anything not covered. :)
TAMMARA: I saw the story of Easy through Jacqueline’s eyes. When I first began writing it, I had no idea what was going on with Lucas or what he was thinking half the time. I knew his Landon/Lucas deception and had a vague idea of what had happened to his mother, but not the details and his involvement. I woke up with that horrifying story one morning, as if he’d told it to me. (I popped into the bathroom while my husband was getting ready for work and told him, so he could share the horror!) Even still, Lucas’s story remained shadowy and almost entirely from Jacqueline’s viewpoint. About a year or so after Easy released, I finally began to see his story more clearly. I had to write it.
RG: My heart broke for Lucas as we discovered the dark demons he carried inside. In Breakable, will you dig deeper into his broken relationship with his father?
TAMMARA: Yes, absolutely.
RG: I see your son has narrated some very popular books. Will we be hearing him as Lucas?
TAMMARA: Yes, he did the audiobook. I didn’t require it of my audio publisher, but I did request it, telling them I’d rather hand my kid cash than let him ruin my book. I wanted Zachary to do it because I KNEW he’d nail the part. He’s a professional, NYU/Tisch-trained actor, and he brings that training and experience to his audiobook narrations. That’s why he does it so well. (I’m so objective, yes? J Sigh)
RG: Can you tell us a little about your writing style? Do you typically create an outline or just start writing and let the story take the lead?
TAMMARA: I admire writers who can do outlines, and wish I could. I’ve tried. It just doesn’t work for me. So I think about the characters – their backstory and motivations, their weaknesses, strengths, needs and wants – for a long time before I begin writing. I make notes and lists. I discuss the story ad nauseum with my husband, who is my brainstorming partner. It isn’t the story that takes the lead so much as the characters. For instance, in Easy – I intended to have the initial attempted assault turn into Buck spreading rumors about Jacqueline. She let me know that the assault was plenty for her to deal with when coupled with the breakup she’d just suffered. The rumors were the least of her worries. It’s obvious from a few conversations with Erin and Maggie that he did spread rumors about her (that she was “easy” – and yes, that’s where the original title came from), but Jacqueline knew what was important: the loss of her relationship, the constant sharp terror of Buck, and the way she felt both unmoored and safe with Lucas. I let her lead the story. She knew where it needed to go. I did the same thing with Landon/Lucas in Breakable.
RG: Do you have a Writing Cave? If so, can you tell us about it?
TAMMARA: I share an office with my husband. Last summer, we downsized from a suburban house to an urban apartment. It’s been a huge change, and adjusting has been more difficult that I’d expected. We’ve never shared an office before. He uses noise-cancelling headphones while he works (he’s an adjunct finance professor, so he works a lot from home), and leaves the room if he needs to make a phone call. Sometimes I sit at the kitchen table to work, and I’ve taken my laptop to nearby restaurants for a change of scenery. I don’t miss my house – but I do occasionally miss my writing cave there, which was a small bedroom next to mine that I took over when Zachary moved out. I’m learning new places to feel comfortable writing.
RG: What’s on your TBR right now?
TAMMARA: I’m expecting Sophie Jordan’s next NA for a possible blurb. I love her writing, and she’s the most versatile writer I’ve ever met. She writes historical romances, paranormal YA, and contemporary NA. I’m also planning to reread Ugly Love (Colleen Hoover) – she says it’s morphed into something quite different from what I first read months ago. I hope to read Tracey Garvis Graves’ upcoming romance, too, as a beta reader.
RG: What is your guilty pleasure where books are not concerned?
TAMMARA: You know, at this point in my life, I refuse to feel guilty about much. I’m a fan of sampling things that would be bad for me if taken too far. I love a good margarita. I will never give up coffee or chocolate chip cookies or the “molten meatballs” at my favorite new neighborhood place. At the same time, I try not to overdo anything. I don’t watch a lot of television – mostly things my husband and I agree are no-miss shows like Walking Dead and Game of Thrones and oh – here’s a little guilty pleasure: Dallas. That Josh Henderson. Oh. My. WORD... (He’s from DFW, you know. We grow ‘em like that around here. J)

BREAKABLE (Contours of the Heart #2)
By: Tammara Webber
Release Date: May 6th
Approx 368 pages
He was lost and alone. Then he found her.
And the future seemed more fragile than ever.
As a child, Landon Lucas Maxfield believed his life was perfect and looked forward to a future filled with promise — until tragedy tore his family apart and made him doubt everything he ever believed.
All he wanted was to leave the past behind. When he met Jacqueline Wallace, his desire to be everything she needed came so easy…
As easy as it could be for a man who learned that the soul is breakable and that everything you hoped for could be ripped away in a heartbeat.
And the future seemed more fragile than ever.
As a child, Landon Lucas Maxfield believed his life was perfect and looked forward to a future filled with promise — until tragedy tore his family apart and made him doubt everything he ever believed.
All he wanted was to leave the past behind. When he met Jacqueline Wallace, his desire to be everything she needed came so easy…
As easy as it could be for a man who learned that the soul is breakable and that everything you hoped for could be ripped away in a heartbeat.
4.5 Heart Twisting Stars!
She’d conjured love in the heart of a man whose soul had been frozen from years, anesthetized by too much pain and guilt to bear.I fell in love with Landon Lucas Maxfield in EASY. One look at Lucas's inked up skin, you would assume that he was the ultimate bad boy to avoid. However, Lucas is a complex person who carries dark demons. I was over the moon when I heard we would be getting his POV. BREAKABLE is Lucas's story - a companion novel to Easy. It's part prequel, part Easy-overlap in Lucas's point of view.
The Maxfield family suffered a great loss when their matriarch, Rose was brutally murdered. This loss left both Lucas and his father living in constant heartache, loneliness, and isolation.
My mother always pouted that it was actually her paintings and not her charm, her beauty, or her sass that made him fall in love with her.Getting a look at the more formative years of Lucas's life was both sad and very enlightening. It was heart wrenching, as his father uprooted him to return the the seaside town that he once loathed. Lucas’s grandfather attempted to fill the void since father basically checked out of the parenting role as he struggled with his own grief. The story ebbs and flows giving us a look at his first crash and burn at dating, oh and don’t even get me started about his gawd-awful principal!
He’d always insisted that it was definitely her sass.
I knew the truth. He fell for all those things, and when she died, it was like someone had extinguished the sun, and he had nothing left to orbit.
The novel is written flawlessly moving us from past to present. We are graced with Lucas POV as he struggles with his attraction to Jacqueline.
I told her I wanted to arrange her, and she consented. My heart drove life through my veins as if I was waking up from a years-long coma. Everything was bright and detailed. Raw and sensitive. I wanted her so badly it hurt.Breakable was amazing, and I truly felt it made the series even better!!! It was a completely new book, a totally new experience and one I highly recommend.
Contours of the Heart Series
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Love some Tammara Webber!! I have read many of her books and loved them all! Congrats on the latest release!!