
Review Policy

Review Policy, Request and Disclaimers

I read purely for the enjoyment.  My reviews are meant to be insightful and describe what the book meant to me (i.e. feelings it may have elicited, relationships that unfold, etc.).  I do not give away too many specific details because I hope to entice the reader to buy the book not give them play by play of the story. I DO NOT write reviews for all books that I read. RG strives to keep a positive overall feel, therefore you will not find a negative review on this website. NO I do not love every book I read. However, I prefer to review and promote books that I extremely like or LOVE and want to recommend to my followers! 
I generally do reviews for the following genres:
Adult Contemporary Romance
Adult Romance
Paranormal Romance
Romantic Suspense
YA Contemporary Romance

I receive numerous requests each week for book reviews, but unfortunately due to my current blogging commitments I am only able to accept a few of them. Please note, I will only respond to those requests that I accept and acceptance of a book does not guarantee a review.  My lack of response is in no way a reflection of the quality of your work or even of the level of interest on my part, but rather an indication of how busy I am at that point with other commitments, or my current reading mood. I am truly humbled and thankful for every single email I receive.

For all submissions, please complete the form below:

Any questions please contact me at
(Please DO NOT add my email to your mailing list without my prior approval.)

MOST books that are reviewed on this blog, were purchased personally.

Piracy - I have a ZERO tolerance policy when it comes to piracy. Your book will never leave the confines of Rude Girl Book Blog once it has been submitted. Whether electronic or hard copy, the book after submission becomes the property of Rude Girl Book Blog, unless expressly written that you would like the hard copy returned.

Images - This blog claims no credit for any book cover images used on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyrighted to their respective owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please email me with a link to that image and it will be promptly removed.